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(Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
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STF cancels noon-hour supervision withdrawal

Feb 7, 2024 | 7:20 PM

Parents in Saskatchewan won’t have to make alternate plans on Thursday for their child’s lunch hour.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) announced it was cancelling its planned job action for Thursday after they were invited to resume negotiations with the province.

The STF had planned to withdraw lunch hour supervision on Thursday prompting school division to create alternate plans.

Now, the two sides are set to meet on Feb. 12.

“We welcome the opportunity to return to the bargaining table to discuss teachers’ proposals and the important issues facing education in Saskatchewan,” said STF President Samantha Becotte. “We are hopeful that the GTBC’s (Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee) new mandate will allow for productive negotiations that will address the needs of students and teachers.”

This announcement comes on the same day that rotating strikes hit schools in Saskatoon, Warman, Creighton and the Northern Lights School Division.