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Brittany Hudak competing at the women’s 10 km para biathlon competition in Martell, Italy. (Facebook/Nordiq Canada and Josef Plaickner)
Amazing Athlete

P.A.’s Hudak wins gold medal in para-biathlon

Feb 4, 2024 | 3:35 PM

One of Prince Albert’s best athletes is coming home from Europe with a gold medal.

Brittany Hudak won the women’s 10 km para biathlon competition on Sunday in Martell, Italy.

She told paNOW the race wasn’t a cakewalk.

“I had four rounds of shooting and we had some really interesting wind in the range that made it tricky at times.”

Hudak only missed one of 20 shots. Despite a 95 per cent success rate, she’s still a bit upset she missed once.

“I think what makes it more of a bummer is that I missed it in my last round of shooting, so I was shooting clean and then the last round I missed my second shot and I was like ‘ah’ as you know you putting together the perfect race,” Hudak said.

Salmon Arm, B.C.’s Natalie Wilkie ended up capturing the bronze medal in the 10 km para biathlon.

Mark Arendz, from Charlottetown, P.E.I., also won the gold medal in the men’s 10 km para biathlon. He ended up hitting all 20 shots.

“It just makes it extra special… we’re teammates, we’re friends,” said Hudak when asked about celebrating her medal with Wilkie and Arendz.

Next up are the 2024 Para Biathlon World Championships and Para Nordic World Cup Finals happening in Prince George, B.C. from March 12-17.

Left to right: Natalie Wilkie, Mark Arendz, and Brittany Hudak with their medals. (Facebook/Nordiq Canada and Josef Plaickner)

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