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(Cam Lee/northeastNOW)
Inquest day two

Detailed timeline of James Smith Cree Nation, Weldon stabbing deaths revealed

Jan 16, 2024 | 7:17 PM

**Editor’s note: this story contains graphic descriptions of violence and coarse language that is disturbing.

Day 2 of the Coroner’s Inquest into the stabbing murders on the James Smith Cree Nation (JSCN) and in Weldon was an emotional affair.

Several people left the CJVR Performing Arts Theatre at the Kerry Vickar Centre in tears this morning as Staff Sergeant Robin Zentner outlined the circumstances behind Damien Sanderson’s death.

Zentner continued his Power Point presentation examining the rampage’s timeline Sept. 4, 2022.

First homicide victim: Damien Sanderson

Zentner testified that investigators determined that Damien was the first fatality, after a stabbing attack on Martin Moostoos, who survived.

It’s believed that Myles and Damien got into an argument after driving away from Moostoos’ house, and Myles repeatedly stabbed his brother until Damien managed to get out of the vehicle.

After Myles drove away, Damien shed his shirt and ended up succumbing to his injuries in a grassy area. Damien’s body was not discovered in that grass until the following day after investigators spotted some bloody clothing along North Road. Damien’s absence initially led investigators to surmise that the two brothers were both responsible for the massacre.

When Damien’s body was discovered, investigators still had to put context into how he died. It was soon determined that the holes in his clothing and blood staining were inconsistent with being self-inflicted. Damien’s injuries were on the left side of his body, supporting the theory he was in the passenger seat when he was attacked by his brother Myles.

The 2006 Dodge Caravan had significant blood staining in the area around the passenger seat and door, and DNA determined it was Damien’s blood.

Several members of the crowd at the inquest were seen crying when Damien’s death was discussed, and some left the theatre area.

Zentner was then asked about the RCMP response from Cst. Tanner Maynard and Cst. David Miller. He testified that they responded to the JSCN as quickly as they could, arriving there at 6:18 a.m. in an unmarked police SUV that at times went 178 km/h, with the speed on grid roads topping off at 159 km/h.

Following the attack on Damien, Myles drove the Caravan into the front of House #10 New York Road.

Second homicide victim: Robert (Bobby) Sanderson

Robert Sanderson and his son Brandon Generaux woke up when the house was hit, and Myles kicked in the back door after being unable to go through the front door. Police heard that Myles immediately started stabbing Robert, yelling ‘Terror Squad’. Robert was found dead in the yard.

Myles saw Brandon, attacked him, yelling ‘fucking die’, and Brandon was able to call 9-1-1 after Myles ran over to Christian Head’s house.

The inquest learned that a prior message from Myles’ Facebook profile said he was coming to collect $100 Brandon owed him from jail for ‘Canteen Money’. Myles told Robert to have Brandon respond to him otherwise the ‘demons’ were coming.

Myles had also messaged Robert on Sept. 3, asking where Brandon was, and got no response.

Zentner testified that there were 92 calls to 9-1-1 that day, with the sense of urgency ever-increasing.

Third and fourth homicide victims: Christian Head and Lana Head

Meanwhile, after killing Robert Sanderson, Myles Sanderson went to House #15 New York Road. Myles proceeded to kick in the side door of the house, and went on to fatally stab Christian and Lana Head after attacking Haley Head-Sanderson’s husband Richard.

Christian and Lana were found dead in the house, and Haley spotted Myles leaving the area driving Christian’s white 2004 Ford F-350 truck.

Zentner testified that footwear impressions at the scene matched Myles’ shoes, recovered after his death. Christian’s DNA was also found on Myles pants and shoes.

Zentner’s Power Point presentation showed that Myles then drove to #83 Edward Burns Avenue, and kicked in the back door. Myles then immediately started stabbing Keenan Head, saying ‘fuck you guys’. Chantelle Constant, Keenan’s girlfriend, was stabbed multiple times while trying to get away, and Keenan also tried to escape while being stabbed.

Both Chantelle and Keenan made it outside, and she took the keys to the truck and later told police she was concerned that Myles would chase them. She ran to a house to call RCMP for help, and Keenan told police an ‘unknown male’ was responsible for the attack, though Chantelle said Myles was the attacker.

Fifth homicide victim: Gregory Burns

Myles then left on foot and was seen walking toward #1020 Edward Burns Avenue. The inquest heard Myles forced open a basement window and climbed inside, attacking Gregory Burns and Galynn Burns with a knife. Bonnie Burns was then stabbed several times after coming downstairs to check the noise.

Bonnie fled outside, and Dayson Head-Burns was stabbed in the chest immediately after opening his bedroom door. Gregory was stabbed a couple more times before being chased outside the house, and a witness heard ‘somebody help me, my mom’s going to die’.

Gregory collapsed and died on the driveway, and the inquest learned that Facebook messages between Aug. 29 and Sept. 4 revealed Myles became frustrated that Gregory wouldn’t meet up and supply him with drugs.

The presentation revealed that Myles left that scene and went back to House #620 Edward Burns Avenue. Myles, who spent time at that house earlier ‘guzzling booze’ according to Kara Head, mentioned ’10 dead bodies’ to her. Kara described Myles’ hands as bloodied, and that he was holding a knife. Myles then left to go to House #1015 Angus McLean Drive.

Myles kicked open the door and grabbed the keys to a white 2011 GMC Terrain SUV, threatening the occupant of the house. She called RCMP after Myles drove away.

Sixth homicide victim: Earl Burns Sr.

He went to House #17 North Road, belonging to Myles in-laws, Earl Burns Sr. and Joyce Burns, the parents of Myles common-law wife Vanessa Burns. Myles forced his way into the house while holding a knife. Myles and Earl Sr. began to fight, and Earl was stabbed multiple times. Joyce, who locked herself in a room, was also stabbed several times. Dalton, Myles and Vanessa’s 13-year-old son, was in the basement and stayed there until Myles and Earl left the house. Dalton later told RCMP his father said ‘I’m going to kill you and my son’.

Myles got into the SUV and Earl chased him in a school bus, but Earl was found dead inside the still-running bus.

Police dash-cam video was then shown that had the vehicle driving nearly double the speed limit on the grid roads, and Zentner testified that it shows the urgency of the call.

Seventh and eighth homicide victims: Carol and Thomas Burns

Back to the timeline, and Myles drove to House #33 Abel McLeod St. Myles came through the back door, began ‘throwing gang signs’ at Thomas Burns and started to swing the knife toward him, striking Carol Burns. Lloyd ‘Kelly’ Burns told police Damien Sanderson (which was incorrect) came at him with a knife and stabbed him a couple of times. Investigators determined he was mistaken in his identification of Damien, after everyone else at the house fingered Myles for the attack.

Meanwhile, Myles stabbed Carol Burns, Lloyd ‘Kelly’ Burns and Lloyd ‘Scott’ Burns. Myles and Thomas Burns went outside, and Myles got in the SUV and pinned Thomas between the SUV and a 2019 Chevrolet Cruze.

A grisly scene ensued as Myles got out of the vehicle and stabbed Thomas several times before running away. Carol and Thomas Burns succumbed to their injuries.

The timeline showed that Myles then ran to #19 Melrose Place, his mother Beverly Burns’ house.

Keenan Scott let Myles in after he knocked, and Beverly later told police Myles looked drunk and had been getting high on cocaine all weekend.

Myles stabbed Keenan several times, then ran to House #10 Angus McLean Drive, showing Davis Head a bloody knife and saying ‘want to know how many bodies I got tonight?’ Myles forced his way into the house and stabbed Davis, who went to get a weapon of his own. Myles left after being told by another person that the cops would be called.

Returning to House #19 Melrose Place, he forced his way in and left when he couldn’t get vehicle keys. Myles then walked to #58 George Burns Lane, demanding keys to a red minivan. He then stabbed Arlene Moostoos repeatedly after accusing her of calling the police. Creedon, Arlene’s son, came to her defense but was stabbed multiple times. Myles abandoned the van just 500 metres away.

Ninth and tenth homicide victims: Bonnie Lee Goodvoice Burns and Lydia Gloria Burns

Bonnie Burns contacted Lydia Gloria Burns for help after Myles’ attack, as she was a first responder and community addictions support worker. Lydia went to #1020 Edward Burns Ave. to help, and they tried to attend to Gregory Burns, who was unresponsive.

Myles came out of the tall grass to attack Bonnie for a second time, and Lydia for the first time, fatally stabbing both.

Going to a different house, Myles stole the infamous black 2016 Nissan Rogue SUV. Zentner testified that RCMP didn’t know about the vehicle change for another seven minutes, and as officers got to one of the crime scenes, an image of the Rogue can be seen on their dash cam.

After taking the Rogue, Myles later drove into Kinistino, showing up at Tanis Michel’s house, asking for fuel and money before leaving. The incident was not reported to RCMP. The Rogue could be seen on a surveillance video leaving Kinistino at 7:08 a.m.

Eleventh homicide victim: Wesley Petterson

Myles went to 74 Central St. in Weldon, where he fatally stabbed Wesley Patterson. Wesley’s grandson heard someone walking upstairs but didn’t think anything of it. An hour later, he found Wesley covered in blood on the porch. The grandson called RCMP at 8:19 a.m.

The first of nineteen Emergency Alerts was broadcast at 7:12 a.m., and Zentner testified that it was less than an hour between when RCMP arrived and when the alert was sent.

Zentner went on to praise first responders for helping to save lives. A triage centre was set up and secured at the band office, and everyone that made it there survived the event. Everyone that passed away in the frenzy died on-scene.

He then went through the collection of Myles Sanderson’s clothes and shoes, and how they were examined and processed.

Zentner said the conclusion of the investigation revealed that Myles Sanderson, and Myles Sanderson alone, was responsible for all of the homicides and attempted homicides Sept. 4. The attacks on JSCN took less than an hour, between 5:50 a.m. and 6:43 a.m. Wesley Patterson was killed in Weldon sometime around 7:10 a.m.

Zentner called the incident one of the worst tragedies we’ve ever experienced in the province, and added that drugs and crime are difficult for communities to battle through. He said it takes the leadership of community, the community itself, the police, and others to combat these challenging issues.

Zentner added that he hoped that future events can be prevented with better communication, rather than after-the-fact, citing some of the ominous comments and messages made, especially between Skye and Damien Sanderson.

Day two of the inquest finished with several questions from the various lawyers, some family members, and the jury. Zentner testified that there was no concrete evidence to suggest Myles was an active gang member, despite some of the gang verbiage used throughout messages and the attacks themselves. He added that Myles Sanderson didn’t have much of a digital trail, unlike his brother Damien, and Myles did not have a cellphone that investigators found.

Zentner’s testimony wrapped up to end the second day of the inquest, and proceedings will resume Wednesday, Sept. 17 at 9:30 a.m.