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Corrections Canada has seized $450,00 of illegal drugs and cell phones in the minimum and maximum security portions of the Sask. Pen in Prince Albert. (Susan McNeil/paNOW)
Sask. Pen. bust

$450K in drugs and other contraband seized at Sask. Pen.

Dec 22, 2023 | 2:25 PM

Several forbidden items valued at over $450,000 have been seized from the Saskatchewan Penitentiary.

Correctional Services of Canada (CSC) said in a release that fentanyl, meth, THC, tobacco and cell phones were all found in the minimum and maximum-security units of the penitentiary on Tuesday and have been taken by authorities.

Police are investigating the matter as is the CSC, which said the Dec. 19 seizure was due to vigilant staff members.

The penitentiary uses tools like ion scanners and drug-detector dogs to search the buildings, personal property, inmates and visitors.

The jail said security measures are being heightened to stop banned items from coming into the facility and it’s working with police to take action against anyone who tries to introduce contraband into correctional institutions.

A tip line has also been set up for people to report any information about security-related issues at any federal prison.

Tipsters can call toll-free at 1-866-780-3784 and can remain anonymous.

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