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Prince Albert's 2019 Remembrance Day ceremony held inside the local Armoury. (File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Lest We Forget

P.A. Remembrance Day ceremony moving back to Armoury

Nov 9, 2023 | 5:00 PM

The annual Remembrance Day ceremony in Prince Albert will be moving back inside.

The Legion is holding the event at the P.A. Armoury after it was held at Memorial Square outside of City Hall for the last couple of years.

Organizer Marie Mathers told paNOW the building is still under renovation, but it’ll be fine for the ceremony.

“It’s usable, just don’t lean against a wall,” she joked.

One of the reasons why they decided to move it back inside was people telling them they didn’t want to stand in the cold. While she agrees that cold weather can be unpleasant, Mathers noted it’s not the end of the world.

“Our veterans, rain or snow, they were outside in trenches and fighting. Us being outside for the ceremony is a really small sacrifice,” she said.

P.A. will also be welcoming a special guest at this year’s ceremony as Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty will be taking part.

Mathers explained she’s been organizing the event for over 15 years, and this will be the first time the Lieutenant Governor has taken part.

“For me, it’s going to be very special for the young people,” she said.

People wanting to attend the ceremony are asked to be seated by 10:30 a.m. Mirasty will be brought in around 10:48 a.m.

People won’t need to bring their own chairs.

The ceremony will officially begin at 10:55 a.m. with the marching in of the colours followed by the last post and a minute of silence. They will then read the honour roll followed by the act of remembrance. The ceremony will end with the closing prayer and the marching of the colours.

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