Head of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami accuses Labrador group of ‘co-opting’ Inuit identity
OTTAWA — The president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami is accusing an organization in Labrador of co-opting Inuit identities to secure lands, rights and financial resources.
Natan Obed argues that NunatuKavut Community Council, which represents some 6,000 people in south and central Labrador it claims to be Inuit, is advancing “illegitimate claims” of Indigenous identity.
Todd Russell, president of the NCC, is describing the allegations as “defamatory,” adding that ITK, the national organization for Inuit in Canada, has “no right” to determine the identity of the people his own group represents.
It is not the first time the NCC has faced questions about its claims.