Sask. throne speech unveils Moe government’s agenda for 2023-24
While Premier Scott Moe maintained the Speech from the Throne delivered Wednesday held significant supports for some, he also said the reason there wasn’t more in the document laying out his government’s priorities was because inflation is hitting the government as well.
“We need to be prudent with the dollars because fiscal accountability and balancing the books here in the province of Saskatchewan is, most certainly, a priority for this government as well,” Moe said when asked about why more affordability measures weren’t included.
The premier said government finances are tightening at the same time as those of families and individuals.
“What we’re trying to do within the confines that we have fiscally from the provincial perspective is, in a way, augment what the federal government has already announced, with their GST rebate on rental housing, to ensure that we’re addressing, through consultation, what are viewed as the largest needs here in the province in the best way that we can without entirely upsetting the fiscal balance,” said Moe.