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Métis flag. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
Ma Faamii

Métis Nation aiming to start construction on P.A. community hub in 2024

Oct 12, 2023 | 1:00 PM

The Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN-S) is sharing more information on one of the buildings they’re planning to build in Prince Albert.

Earlier this year, City Council approved selling 26 acres of land near the Victoria Hospital so the MN-S could construct a 10,000-square-foot facility for office space and a future child-care centre.

According to Jason Mercredi, the Director of Social Infrastructure for the MN-S, the office space will actually be a community hub for their citizens called Ma Faamii which means my family in Michif. The Métis Nation opened a similar facility in Saskatoon earlier this month.

Mercredi told paNOW Métis people will be able to get help navigating the programs that are being offered.

“Not just our various government programs that are available to them, but provincial and federal government programming as well. So, it’s going to be a one-stop shop for people to go get assistance.”

The P.A. and Saskatoon facilities are two of 12 that the MN-S is aiming to build across Saskatchewan. Mercredi explained P.A. was near the top of the list of places they wanted to develop one of the hubs.

“P.A. is our second-largest citizen base and we’re pretty active there, we’ve actually provided quite a few grants to Métis citizens in P.A. whether it’s to fix their home, childcare subsidy, or to purchase their first home,” he said.

There’s currently no firm timeline on when construction should start. The plan is to have shovels in the ground sometime next spring or summer. When will it be operational? That’s another question without a definite answer.

“You’re guess is as good as mine. Probably six months to a year,” added Mercredi.

The exact cost of the facility is still not fully known as prices for supplies can easily change before construction officially starts.

Mercredi noted that the project will also create several jobs, some during construction and some when the hub is up and running.

At this time, the MN-S also doesn’t have any information to share about the child-care centre that they’re also planning to build on the land near the hospital.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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