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The Prince Albert Pulp Mill reunion committee presented the extra money from their event to the Rose Garden Hospice on Sept. 28. Rose Daschuk worked at the pulp mill. (Susan McNeil/paNOW)
Rose Garden Hospice

Hospice donation completes circle for Pulp Mill reunion attendees

Sep 28, 2023 | 5:30 PM

Giving extra money not used during a recent reunion of the Prince Albert Pulp Mill employees to the Rose Garden Hospice completed an emotional circle for one man.

Bill Grosskleg knew Rose Daschuk, who the hospice is named for, from when she worked for the pulp mill.

“This is needed. It’s wonderful and thanks to you guys for getting it done,” Grosskleg said, directing his comments to Daschuk’s family members who were there to accept the donation.

Rose Daschuk was the person who hired Grosskleg to work at the mill decades ago so the committee organizing the former staff reunion thought it was very appropriate that their donation go to the hospice bearing her name.