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Left to right: Vivian Ramsden, Shirley Bighead, and Norma Rabbitskin. (Tanya Felix)
Indigenous Advocate

Health Director for Sturgeon Lake passes away, leaves behind strong legacy

Aug 9, 2023 | 6:00 AM

A well-known advocate for First Nations healthcare has passed away.

Shirley Bighead died on July 19 in Saskatoon at the age of 66. At the time, she was the Director of Health for the Sturgeon Lake First Nation (SLFN), a position she held for over three decades.

One of the many people she helped train was Norma Rabbitskin who currently works as the senior health nurse at the Sturgeon Lake Health Centre.

She told paNOW that Bighead is and always will be unreplaceable.

“She was a pillar for our organization and our community. “(Sturgeon Lake) will always have a voice because she trained us and instilled teachings in us,” said Rabbitskin.

Bighead leaves behind a legacy filled with positives for Indigenous health, in Sturgeon Lake and other First Nations across the country.

“She was a key negotiator for our community to have the right to determine how health would be delivered in the community,” said Rabbitskin.

This is true when you look at the last major project Bighead oversaw for the First Nation, a cultural birthing centre. It’s not finished at this time, however, when it’s done it will include four birthing areas, room for families and midwives, an exam room, a kitchen, quiet rooms, and a birthing tub.

Although Bighead won’t be around to see the centre open, Rabbitskin said many people will be there because of her.

“Her passion, her voice, and her negotiating skills have really helped speed up the process. The project will still happen, the project managing team is carrying on her role.”

Meanwhile, Bighead’s loss isn’t only being felt in Sturgeon Lake.

Shirley Woods, the Director of Health, and social development for Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC), told reporters First Nations across Saskatchewan have lost a key ally.

“It’s sad for everybody. She was a great leader, a huge advocate for healthcare for her community and for First Nations across the province,” she said.

The Federation of Sovereign Nations (FSIN) also sent out a statement on Bighead’s passing.

“The late Shirley also served as an advisor to the FSIN Health and Social Development Commission for over 25 years… Shirley will be dearly missed as she touched the lives of so many.”

Twitter: @princealbertnow

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