City of Prince Albert encourages residents to be proactive following flash flood
Some of Prince Albert’s busiest streets resembled rivers and canals on Sunday, swallowing up some of the smaller vehicles attempting to pass through.
Jeff da Silva, the city’s acting Director of Public Works, explained the flooding issues that occurred across the city, were due in part to the storm sewer system being overwhelmed but more so to the amount of leaves and debris that clogged intake grates.
Then there was the hail which seemed to go on forever and later resembled snowbanks on some peoples’ decks and backyards. Eastern portions of the city appeared to experience a lot less hail than those in the West Hill area.
“There were parts of the city that didn’t seem to have any hail at all. Some places were blanketed, and the rainfall amount also seems to have varied,” he said. “Unofficially, we’ve heard of anywhere between an inch and up to four maybe five inches of rain recorded on people’s rain gauges, so it definitely didn’t seem to hit in a uniform way across the city”.