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A wheel loader at work clearing snow in 2022 in Prince Albert. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW)
Snow budget

Snow clearing cost city over $2 million in 2022

Mar 15, 2023 | 11:26 AM

Due to an extremely high snow fall last year, the City of Prince Albert spent over $2 million clearing snow from city streets—$875,000 over budget.

Finance manager Melodie Boulet told council recently that crews cleared a lot of snow last year.

“There was 47 cm of snow in 2022, and crews responded with a record number of snow lifts to address the safety concern,” she said.

The average snow fall is around 20 centimetres.

City collected $1.312 million from the snow tax, an increase from previous years, but it was still not enough to cover the almost $1 million in extra costs.

As they normally do when there are overages, Boulet recommended council take the needed money from the Fiscal Stabilization Fund.

The need got high enough that Roads staff called in extra contractors on multiple occasions after already going through their entire list of pre-approved contractors and having to hire two more not on the list.

Council was not surprised by the overage.

Counc. Don Cody said he has received some public feedback asking about snow clearing policies and felt that the city is doing a good job when it comes to clearing.

“We’re doing a pretty good job in this community and its not that big of a cost what we’re doing for the community,” he said.

“If you want more services, we can get you more services. That’s not a problem,” Cody added, “But you’re going to have to pay for it.”

The snowfall budget is based on what has been spent in the past plus any anticipated increases like wages or the operating cost of the machinery.

Of the money spent last year, $154,700 was in the downtown area and the remainder throughout the rest of the city.

About 20 per cent of the extra money spent last year went to wages and overtime for city snow clearing staff. Over 50 per cent went to hired equipment, the fleet and self-employed contractors.