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The intersection of 6 Ave and 9 St. East in Prince Albert. (Derek Craddock/paNOW Staff)
New Crosswalk Lights

Four new crosswalk beacons in Prince Albert

Mar 6, 2023 | 3:39 PM

Thanks to a traffic safety grant, pedestrians at four crosswalks around Prince Albert will now have an easier time moving from one side of the street to the other. The City of Prince Albert announced today they had rapid flashing beacons coming to four crosswalks.

These crosswalks will be located at Vincent Massey School, Sixth Avenue East and Ninth Street East in Midtown, Victoria Hospital, and 15th Avenue East near Helme Crescent. The funding for these came from an SGI traffic safety grant.

“Pedestrians should still look both ways to make sure that traffic is yielding to them, although there are advanced indicators to make drivers stop,” Evan Hastings, transportation manager for the City of Prince Albert, said.

The city reminded pedestrians to click the button, wait for the yellow flashing beacons to start flashing, and look both ways before crossing the street.