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The number of collisions at Central Ave. and 28th Street have dropped since changes were made in 2016. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW)
Traffic safety

Collisions at Central and 28th have decreased despite recent crash

Mar 2, 2023 | 12:00 PM

On Wednesday evening, a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Central Avenue and 28th Street sent four people to hospital.

But despite the incident, the number of collisions at the intersection of Central Avenue and 28th Street has decreased since some changes were made in 2016.

City transportation and traffic manager Evan Hastings said since left turning lanes were added seven years ago, that intersection is ranked 12th in terms of collisions in all of the city’s controlled intersections.

“Going back to 2012, this intersection has the 12th highest crash rates in the city, however in 2016, left turning lanes were added to increase safety for motorists and pedestrians. This intersection has been reviewed and we do see an improvement in safety at this location,” he said.

Collisions do happen in the city, but very few result in serious injuries. Most are limited to property damage to vehicles, said Hastings.

The intersection with the highest number of collisions is 1st Ave East and 13th Street, followed by 6 Ave West and 15th Street and third is 15 Ave E and 15th Street.

Multiple factors play into why a collision has higher or lower numbers of collisions including the speed of the traffic travelling through them.

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