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Crosby Ratt was one of three Prince Albert Lacrosse players selected in the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League draft. (Prince Albert Lacrosse/Facebook)
Local Lacrosse Stars Drafted

PA Lacrosse celebrates three local players drafted into Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League

Feb 15, 2023 | 8:00 AM

The goal of any minor sports organization is to help players develop, and Prince Albert Lacrosse got some of the best possible news on that front on Monday. Three of their athletes were selected in the 2023 Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League draft.

Crosby Ratt, Cameron Jacobson, and Carter McShannock were all selected by the Saskatchewan SWAT. Ratt was chosen first overall in the draft.

“It’s exciting that the hard work the volunteers and the athletes have been putting in over the last 20 years has finally paid off with an announcement like that,” Javan Bexson, president of Prince Albert Lacrosse said.

Bexson gave credit to the board, coaches, and athletes who have helped elevate the sport in Prince Albert. It’s a special moment for any sports organization when one of their members is chosen first overall in a draft, and that’s what happened with Ratt.

“I’ve seen Crosby play a ton over the last number of years, I’ve coached him as well,” Bexson said. “It couldn’t have happened for a nicer, more well-rounded person. He’s worked really hard for it, he’s trained extremely hard. He’s an absolute student of the game. Not surprised he went first overall, but definitely very happy for him.”

PA Lacrosse’s pride goes beyond the first overall pick, however, as Bexson pointed out all three athletes were hard workers who had done very well at their respective positions. Bexson described the RMLL as “the WHL of lacrosse” and said these young men may well be on a path to the pros.

“The next step would be senior lacrosse in the larger centres or, really, the NLL, the National Lacrosse League,” Bexson said.

The pros are still a few years away, of course, as all three young men will likely head into the U16 ranks this season with intermittent call-ups to the junior level. Whatever happens for them moving forward, however, Bexson said these young men are laying the groundwork for others to possibly follow in their footsteps.

“Hopefully they (younger players) see that there are opportunities in lacrosse,” Bexson said. “There are tons of opportunities for everyone coming out of it if you’re willing to put in the work, whether it’s junior or going the NCAA route as well in field lacrosse.”

Bexson added if anyone is interested in signing up for the 2023 lacrosse season in Prince Albert, registration is now open on their website.

On Twitter: @RobMahonPxP