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Saskatchewan police to crack down on impaired driving in December

Nov 28, 2022 | 1:22 PM

Drivers in Saskatchewan can expect to see impaired driving checkstops over the holidays.

SGI and the Government of Saskatchewan said Monday that police will be conducting more than 40 checkstops in December.

“Checkstops are an important enforcement tool and a highly visual reminder to drivers about the importance of planning a safe ride home,” Minister Responsible for SGI Don Morgan said in a media release. “Impaired driving is a persistent and deadly problem in Saskatchewan, and it requires creative solutions and ongoing enforcement.”

The government said the checkstops can be held any day of the week on any street or highway.

“Police also use less conspicuous tactics to catch impaired drivers, and the public is encouraged to call 9-1-1 to report any motorists they believe are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” the release said. “The bottom line is this: If you drive impaired anywhere in Saskatchewan, there is a strong chance you’ll be caught, arrested and charged.”

Police can demand a roadside breath test for alcohol from anyone they legally stop. Anyone who refuses a test can be charged under the Criminal Code.

“We appreciate the co-operation of drivers who may be pulled over for our checkstops,” said Supt. Grant St. Germaine, the officer in charge of the Saskatchewan RCMP’s Traffic Services Division. “Please be assured that a demand for a breath sample is not an accusation; it’s simply standard procedure to help ensure that people are driving sober.

“We use all the tools we have at our disposal to try to keep our roads safe — roadside breath tests being one of them.”

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