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Wear Your Orange

Hunting Season Reminders To Keep Everyone Safe

Nov 18, 2022 | 10:23 AM

Are you headed out hunting? Don’t forget your colours!

You must be dressed in required hunting colours if you are:
• hunting big game with a rifle;
• hunting in a designated rifle-only season; or
• accompanying a rifle hunter.

Requirements include:
• a bright yellow, scarlet red, blaze orange or white vest or jacket (an outer garment that covers the upper torso) or a high-visibility garment carrying a Canadian Standards Association label (CAN/CSA Z96); and
• a bright yellow, scarlet red or blaze orange hat or toque (white is not permitted).

It is a violation to:
Enter land without the consent of the landowner or occupant;

Shoot across or along a provincial highway, provincial road or municipal road;

Carry a loaded firearm in or on a vehicle, including horseback;

Hunt within 500 metres of a building, stockade or corral occupied by people or livestock without the consent of the owner or occupant in charge; and

Hunt wildlife 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise.

For information on season dates, bag limits and a summary of hunting regulations, download the Hunters and Trappers Guide at

During the hunting season, Saskatchewan’s conservation officers will be busy helping protect our province’s resources.

To keep our officers safe this hunting season, please remember:

It is illegal to carry a loaded firearm in or on your vehicle.

If a conservation officer asks you to exit your vehicle, leave your firearm behind.

Do not try to hand a firearm to an officer through an open window.

Firearm safety should always be top of mind! Always handle your firearms carefully.

Hunt smart, hunt safe!

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