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(File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Service Troubles

SaskTel looking at new cell towers around P.A. to help fix service issues

Oct 20, 2022 | 5:00 PM

SaskTel is looking at ways to improve its service for people in Prince Albert.

This comes as residents, most of which live in the east part of the city, have been experiencing issues texting, calling, and in some cases accessing the internet.

Trevor Redden told paNOW there are certain areas in his home he can’t receive or make calls.

“It just goes dead, which you wouldn’t really suspect in the city. I haven’t thought too much of it, but it is something that would be nice to get fixed.”

In a statement sent to paNOW, SaskTel said they’re aware of the issues and are investigating ways to fix it, including creating new cell towers. They also noted that they’re looking to expand their 5G wireless network to P.A. which will help those experiencing trouble accessing the internet, while also providing improved connectivity and hyper-fast data speeds for everyone in the city.

A lot of the issues have been plaguing people living around Crescent Acres. The main problems appear to be phone calls cutting out, dead spots in homes, and people having trouble hearing the other person.

“Can only have a phone conversation on the south side of our house, otherwise it cuts out and they can’t hear. It’s not uncommon to find me sitting on the edge of the tub on the phone,” explained one person who posted about their troubles on Facebook.

Some of those on social media also noted that they use a different provider than SaskTel.

Paul Lomheim explained he’s happy with SaskTel but there was an hour recently when he couldn’t text anyone, including people in the city.

“I was trying to text my wife, and every time I texted it would say please hold on… it would have some comment and I couldn’t text.”

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