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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
False Alarms

P.A. fire department seeing 480 per cent increase in false alarms

Sep 8, 2022 | 12:17 PM

The Prince Albert fire department is being called out to a large number of false alarm calls.

From 2019 to 2021, they averaged around one false alarm call a day. However, they’ve responded to 145 since the start of August– a 480 per cent increase. This is an average of nearly four calls a day.

“There is a risk when a real emergency happens. If an emergency happens, our crews aren’t readily available,” said Kris Olsen, P.A.’s Fire Chief.

The main reason for the increase appears to be a specific alarm system, one with a touch screen that people can set up on a table. Deputy Fire Chief Alex Paul told paNOW this easy setup may be why they’re getting so many calls.

“We’ve had a couple of instances where people have said ‘oh, my cat must have walked across the table and brushed against (the alarm).’’

Paul wouldn’t go as far as to say that people should avoid this equipment as the fire department is happy to see people setting up alarms for everyone’s safety, but he believes people need to better educate themselves on it, and set it up in a safe and secure location.

Along with pets setting off the alarms, Paul explained they’ve responded to calls for people cooking, vaping, smoking a cigarette, and even for steam coming from a shower. They’ve also responded to the same property twice in an hour and one property five times over the past month.

“This leads me to believe that there may be an installation issue, as in location,” added Olsen.

Another concern the fire department has is for landlords.

Under the fire services bylaw, they must fine the owner of the property, not the renters, for the false alarms. Everyone gets one free pass; however, a second false alarm will cost $125, the second $250, with every false alarm afterward costing $500 each.

“Our hands are tied and those are the only people that we can charge,” said Paul.

He’s recommending everyone who wants a new alarm system speak with their landlord who can help find the right system and set it up properly.

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