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Ukrainians and Canadians holding a combined flag. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)
Ukrainian Independence

Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence celebrated in P.A.

Aug 24, 2022 | 7:25 PM

Canadians and Ukrainians got the chance to celebrate one of Ukraine’s most important anniversaries together in Prince Albert.

It was 31 years ago on Aug. 24, 1991, when the country declared its Independence from the Soviet Union. Canada was the first Western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence.

To mark the day, a celebration was held at Memorial Square with around 100 people taking part.

Taras Kachkowski, who helped put on the event, told paNOW that even before P.A. became home to many refugees, the city was filled with tons of Ukrainian heritage.

“Several of us in the community do try to keep it alive in various ways. We have a deep love and bond with our culture that we love to express to the community.”

This was put on display at the celebration with kids from Prince Albert Barveenok Dancers showcasing cultural dances and the playing of a bandura, Ukraine’s national instrument.

Jude and Linus Skomorowski. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Jada Janzen performing at Prince Albert’s Ukrainian Independence celebration event. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Kathleen Clarke playing the bandura at Prince Albert’s Ukrainian Independence celebration event. (Jaryn Vecchio/paNOW Staff)

Taking part in the event were several Ukrainians who were forced to move away from their country due to Russia’s invasion.

One such person was 30-year-old Krystina Tulchynska who had to leave her parents behind.

To say that celebrating her country’s independence thousands of kilometres away from her homeland was a bit weird would be quite an understatement.

“It’s different but not uncomfortable,” she said.

Despite being away from her parents and her home country, you could see a smile on her face throughout the event.

“When I see a lot of Ukrainian flags, a lot of Ukrainian people I feel myself, not exactly at home… but I feel that I can call this place my home too.”

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