Could power rate hike force meat prices up? Prairie Meats CEO says no
A rate hike is coming for every SaskPower customer, and another one will soon follow. But which businesses might pass the cost onto their consumers?
According to the CEO of Prairie Meats, it won’t be them. So the next time people go to their local butcher shop, they won’t likely see the rate hike reflected in the prices.
“We’ve seen increases over the last five years, so the scale of how fast they’re raising the rates is not shocking,” said Prairie Meats CEO, Casey Collins. “We’ve been planning accordingly to utilize our power in different ways… Not a surprise at all, but not necessarily a great thing for our business.”
Having seen the increase in power costs coming, Collins said they’ve been trying to reduce their costs and redundancies accordingly. As such, he doesn’t expect there will be any additional costs to the customer.