Food, Fuel & Fertilizer
“The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Pattison Media and this site.”
As I travel Saskatchewan Rivers constituency this summer, it is heartening to see beautiful lush crops in the fields. While conditions vary in the province, our region is producing abundantly.
Over the last decade or so, Saskatchewan has become known for supplying the world with “Food, Fuel and Fertilizer”. The three are tightly interconnected, with food production reliant on fuel to farm, and fertilizer to grow.
Our farmers are under attack however, by their own federal government. In recent years they have had to figure out how to mitigate the extra costs carbon taxes have created for them. Then this year, the price of fuel skyrocketed (arguably due to federal policies). A third dagger cutting into any hope of profit for farmers is a recently announced (again federal) Fertilizer Emission Reduction Program.