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Annual field day returns after pandemic break

Jul 18, 2022 | 12:05 PM

MELFORT, Sask. — Farmers will have an opportunity to see firsthand research that is being conducted in their own backyard.

The annual field day being held this Wednesday is sponsored by the Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation (NARF) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will be held at the research farm just south of Melfort.

NARF operations manager Brianne McInnes said there will be a number of topics covered during the event where farmers will be able to see the plots.

She said the research is designed to help farmers make management decisions in several areas from dealing with fusarium head blight in cereal crops to sclerotinia in canola.

“We’ll look at different intercropping options for northeast Saskatchewan, novel pulse crop options, new tools for wild oat management in oats, faba bean diseases and topdressing different nitrogen products at different timings in spring wheat,” she said.

In addition to presentations from McInnes and NARF’s David MacTaggart, the speaker lineup will include scientists with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, a University of Saskatchewan Masters student, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture crops extension specialist and Melfort staff.

Registration for the July 20 field day begins at 8:00 a.m. at the research farm with the tours from 8:30 a.m. to noon. There is no charge to attend.

When the tour returns a begged lunch will be provided by Golden Grain Bakery. McInnes said preregistration is appreciated and would be helpful when planning lunch but walk ins are welcome. There will also be door prizes presented at the end of the event.

“You can contact myself by text or a phone call to 306 920-9393 or you can email me at,” McInnes said.

McInnes said masking will be required but only indoors when physical distancing can’t be maintained.

Sponsors for the event also include Sask Flax, Sask Canola, Sask Wheat and Sask Pulse Growers.

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