P.A. multicultural council to hold first in-person Canada Day events since 2019
If the rain holds off for Canada Day, it should be a full day of celebrations in Prince Albert unburdened by COVID-19 restrictions for the first time since 2019.
That’s big news for those planning events, and the Prince Albert Multicultural Council is planning quite a day.
As had been their tradition on Canada Day prior to the pandemic, they’ll be holding events along River Street on July 1. A full day of celebrations is on the agenda, and this time they won’t have to hold them virtually.
“2:00 in the afternoon, we will start our activities with children’s stage,” said Michelle Hassler with the Prince Albert Multicultural Council, adding this will include face painting and arts and crafts. “Then we do have our main stage that will start at 5:00 in the afternoon. We have opening ceremonies and multicultural performances.”