Paramedics thrilled to see injury-free street fair
If the street fair this past weekend proved anything, it’s that the people of Prince Albert haven’t forgotten how to show up for the event. Apparently, they also haven’t forgotten how to handle the heat despite a long time without that either.
Parkland Ambulance had a presence at the street fair just in case their should be injuries, as can happen when so many people are crammed into a tight space. Fortunately, the street fair went off without any major incidents for paramedics.
“We’ve seen a couple of minor injuries during the street fair, and we always do,” said Lyle Karasiuk, director of public affairs for Parkland Ambulance. “People are just excited to be out and about and they’re not watching where they’re going, or because of all of the extra things in there they bump into something. So we do find always through the street fair a few minor scrapes and bumps and stuff, but nothing too serious.”
According to Karasiuk, about the worst thing to come from the street fair is going to be an awful lot of cases of sunburn, as by far the hottest day of the year so far fell right on the day of the fair.