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Students spent a good portion of their morning upgrading the school's sidewalk. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
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John Diefenbaker School shows support for Pride Month

Jun 8, 2022 | 3:00 PM

The sidewalk outside Prince Albert’s John Diefenbaker school has become a lot more colourful.

As part of Pride Month, the school’s Genders Sexuality and Allies (GSA) club pitched the idea to paint a rainbow on the sidewalk. Pamela Walter is a social worker at the school and explained the club is brand new this year and is comprised of students in Grades six to eight.

“I am really proud of these guys. They joined right away and were very keen to do anything for Pride Month,” she said.

Moving forward Walter hopes to see one more Pride related activity this month, hinting at a possible mural and involving more classes in the school.

“This is so nice that kids can come out and be free and it takes so much courage to do something like this and join a club like this,” she said

Aurora Isbister is a Grade 7 student and was among those painting the sidewalk Wednesday morning.

“I want to do this because its shows appreciation for the LGBTQ community and a lot of kids are coming out and I want to let then know I care for them,” she said.

Isbister added she joined the club as a way to support her own gay friends, and said she has received a lot of support from both friends and family.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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