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Saskatchewan Country Closeup – Jordyn Pollard

Apr 28, 2022 | 10:52 AM

ordyn has worked closely with noted, veteran music producer Bart McKay to craft songs that blend the most accessible elements of the 21st century pop/country sound with sonic textures that harken back to earlier eras, making for an unbeatable combination and one that will have appeal to most music lovers.

Using the positive side of social media, Jordyn has created a burgeoning online presence through her various socials as well as increasingly popular YouTube videos, wisely understanding that getting oneself in front of as many potential fans is crucial.

As a songwriter, Jordyn continues to mine her life experiences, pop culture and even just simple conversations she has with friends and family for her original material, focusing in on the little things that really do matter.

Fast becoming a household name in her home province, it is only a matter of time that Jordyn Pollard’s unmistakable talent, her drive and her commitment to credibility and integrity, will see her burst forth onto the wider Canadian audience – and far beyond.

Jordyn joins us on the Saskatchewan Country Closeup to talk new music, new music video and live shows. Have a listen to our conversation below.