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City Hall

Dog park and branch library on agenda

Apr 25, 2022 | 8:00 AM

Monday’s city council meeting looks to be a hefty one as council considers items such an off-leash dog park and a branch library in the South Hill area.

The branch library has a probable cost of $7.6 million but as a first step, staff are seeking approval to go ahead with grant applications.

Application for some financial support will be made to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program of the federal government and the province.

The ICIP fund was created in 2018 and commits more than $900 million in federal dollars to projects in Saskatchewan over 10 years.

The application will be made separately from other projects the city has applied for funding for. Under ICIP, the government of Canada would contribute 40 per cent, the province up to 33.33 per cent, and the City/Public Library Board the remaining 26.67 per cent.

Council will also be asked to allow Community Services to spend just over $12,000 to improve an off-leash dog park along the Rotary Trail.

The money would pay to mark the main entrance of the park area near the sewage treatment plant and also develop a set of rules for people using the park.

One letter of opposition to the park was received.

The Métis Nation—Saskatchewan has applied for a development permit for 1405 Bishop Pascal Place. The Nation is hoping to buy the location and the development permit is one of the conditions of sale.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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