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April Showers Bring More Snow?

Apr 13, 2022 | 9:32 AM

April showers bring May flowers. It has been a long winter to say the least with more snow than we usually see. The winter has seemed endless with snowing, blowing and wind. But, we all know this weather is going to say goodbye and we will move into the warmer days of spring.

The days have gotten so much longer. I no longer get to see the sunrise when I get up at 5:30, it has already risen. And the evenings are so wonderfully long. It’s darn near 8 o’clock and we still have some evening light.

For those of you that follow my blogs and remember me talking about my crows, yes, they have returned. I happily listen to them when I am outside and even in the early mornings, while still trying to sleep. It is comforting to know that spring has sprung. The geese seemed to have arrived a little early. When I spotted my first couple of geese there wasn’t even any open water around here. They were sitting on snow and frozen ponds and finding it tough to find food. But they seem to know when to return home. And now I see or hear flocks of them flying over the house. I am hoping George and Henrietta made it back safely from their long winter vacation down south somewhere. I was not privy to their exact location. Hahahaha!

The first signs of spring are always a very dirty looking time of year. Our beautiful white blanket of snow has now turned grey and black and crystallized looking. We are all looking forward to running water, green grass and buds on trees. How I love sitting on the veranda and listening to the water drip from the eavestrough on a beautiful sunny day. I am waiting patiently for a cleansing rain to wash away the remains of winter. Nothing better than the smell of a fresh rain on a warm spring morning.

Spring brings to us a new burst of energy. Some of us will pick up garbage that has blown onto our yard or street. Others are busy picking up the remains of their dog’s bathroom material from the winter. It might be cigarette butts, that people think will magically disappear, and they don’t. Whatever debris is laying around our yard, lawn and walkways we will pick up and place it in the garbage bin. Rakes come out of garages, dead leaves and twigs or trees that have blown over or died will be removed. Paint brushes tend to walls that need a fresh new coat. Walls gets washed, windows cleaned, the list goes on with this new found energy that spring brings.

We will pack up our winter coat only to find out we need it again as mother winter has not quite quit blowing and snowing. I heard a stat that 25% of our snowfall is in April. For parts of the province this stat is becoming true. The southeast part of the province is in store for a horrific blizzard – possibly the worst storm in decades with up to 75 cm of snow. Glad Prince Albert and area is not getting that storm.

What’s next for spring?

Planting time.

Farmers are busy planning their crops, watching prices of fuel, fertilizer and world grain prices.

Me? I am thinking about my garden and flowers. I picked up potting soil and planted a bunch of seeds this weekend. My kitchen table has now become my greenhouse. Easterly morning sun will hit these little seeds and they will start to sprout so I can put them in my flowerpots or my garden. My kitchen now has a wonderful smell of earth: dirt. good old plain dirt that is so refreshing and clean. There is nothing better than driving home in the spring when the farmers have started seeding. That fresh smell of moved dirt always brings a smile to my face. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it is a very earth full smell. It is very grounding. It lets mother nature back into your life. And within 3 days of planting my seeds, a couple of them are popping out of the black dirt. Yeah – success!

And then there is the sunshine. We have had many grey days this winter. For those of us who need sunshine, it is a very welcome return. We anticipate blue skies, warm sun and a sit out on our decks with a beverage in hand whether it is an early morning coffee or an evening cocktail. We take time to stop and smell the roses or in this case the smells of spring.

Easter is here and creates a time to get together once more. We gather with family and friends and spend time with those close to us. Whether it be friends or family we invite people and food to our home to be together. Food is a way of bringing people together and enjoy one another’s company. This year will look a bit different from the past two years. Covid restrictions have been lifted and for some they will invite people into their home and celebrate. Others will stay guarded and remain home alone with few people around them. Either way it is all good. Find your own comfort zone and go with it.

Many of us have been entertained by watching curling this winter. I watched the men’s world curling championships which were played in Las Vegas. The ice and the rocks have created challenges for all teams. I am thinking maybe it’s just a little too hot to make great ice for these curlers. Not sure why the stones are giving them issues. Bad granite??? And now that curling is over, I will join the group of people who say watch to watch now? Me, it is time to get outside and enjoy warmer weather (when it gets here). Longer days means a person can enjoy a certain amount of time in the evening for a walk or just getting outside.

I was reading a news blog and discovered that people have been saying Brad Gushue’s name incorrectly for about 20 years. Well, Canada it is time to learn how to pronounce Brad’s last name. It is supposed to be pronounced as “GUH -zhoo”. Being a person of a mispronounced name for most of my life I can appreciate this. He should have corrected TSN many years ago and not let those announcers get away with this. Stick up for your name. It is a part of you! Look what he has accomplished, and people can’t say his last name correctly.

I am wishing everyone a very Happy Easter. If you have little ones, I hope the Easter bunny arrives and hides a bunch of easter eggs for them. Oh, how much fun it is to watch the kids look for easter eggs every year. The joy of children. If you are lucky enough to have little people around you, make sure you spoil them. It’s an unwritten law – grandparents spoil grandchildren.

And that is it for now. It is time to pick a song. What song shall I pick today? I have decided on Butterflies by Kacey Musgraves (2018). I absolutely love this song. And butterflies are definitely a part of spring. If you didn’t’ know this tidbit of information those monarch butterflies take a very long winter journey and return here in the spring. (If you’re ever bored, read up on them, very interesting insect. They have great stories to tell!)

Once again Happy Easter from my house to yours!

Merle Lee Ann Pratt – – Email:

This column is sponsored by MacKenzie Funeral Chapel and Crematorium – We will be there when you need us – Bev and Brian Stobbs

130 9th St. E, Prince Albert, SK

Phone: (306) 763-8488