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(Photo 215676548 © Mnogomesta |

More feedback given during virtual engagement session for OSB mill

Apr 6, 2022 | 5:26 PM

Anticipation continues to build over a future OSB mill near Prince Albert.

On Tuesday, a virtual public engagement session was held to discuss the project and hear from community members curious about the mill.

CEO of One Sky, Scott Bax, said the session was well attended.

“Great session, overall, very pleased with the information that’s being presented and where we are in the project and very excited to work forward, engaging with the public and the broader community to move the project to reality.”

Some of the big questions asked at the virtual meeting were focused on job opportunities but some were also curious about where the fibre for the OSB would be coming from.

The province is allocating most of the timber for the project, while the remaining balance will be secured by the company through commercial agreements with other mills, Indigenous timber allocation holders and private landowners.

The company is also sourcing fibre through agreements with First Nations and other forestry businesses located in the Prince Albert region.

Several groups have partnered with One Sky to develop the project, including Wahpeton Dakota Developments.

CEO Robert Fincati said he’s happy to see how the mill is progressing. He said from this previous session and other public engagement forums, the feedback has been very positive.

“I haven’t heard any negative. Of course, there’s always the management concerns that can be out there, but the City of P.A. is excited to have the mill.”

Fincati is excited to see the project come to fruition saying it’s been a “herculean” effort to get this up and going with other business partners.

He also talked about how this will benefit not just his company but the community of Wahpeton Dakota Nation.

“Wahpeton is a very business-friendly community, and we really look forward to participating in working with a project like this. We look forward to the employment opportunities and the business opportunities that come out of this.”

The project still needs to pass its environmental assessment with the hopes of having the OSB mill open in 2023.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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