The Survey Says
How many times have we heard over the years “the survey says?”
Why am I talking about surveys?
Well, I am pretty sure the majority of readers have all purchased a new vehicle or recreational type of equipment over the past few years. I have decided to share a few of my personal opinions on “the survey”. You can agree or disagree. As Seinfeld would say “this is just one gal’s opinion!”
When I purchased my first brand new car, I paid $4,000 plus taxes. I had arranged the financing through my own bank, wrote a cheque and drove away. Can you imagine, $4000 for a brand-new car? Yup, it was a nice pleasant experience. I was young, fresh out of high school and needed a good vehicle to get back and forth to work. It was a marvelous little car that Honda Civic. And of course, my father accompanied me to make sure I was treated fairly.