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Malcolm Jenkins, owner of Canadian Tire, presented Ralph Boychuk and Marina Mitchell of the Rose Garden Hospice with a cheque for $100,000 on March 25. (Susan McNeil/paNOW Staff)
Rose Garden Hospice

Framing starts soon on Hospice building

Mar 25, 2022 | 3:00 PM

One last $100,000 donation from Canadian Tire and their 2×6 fundraiser has brought the Rose Garden Hospice to its fundraising goal and a $4-million total for the project.

Malcolm Jenkins, owner of the Prince Albert Canadian Tire, said the project is important for a high quality of care for those who are dying.

He promised five or six years ago to give $500,000 in five increments with two goals in mind.

“One, we served the goal of raising some money and two, we raised awareness so other people could donate,” he said.

The business has now donated $535,000 to the hospice and is the largest donor amongst many in the community.

Jenkins thanked his customers for supporting the store so he could in turn support the hospice.

When his wife died 10 years ago, she did so in the palliative care unit at the hospital. Jenkins noted at the time that the surrounding hospital noise and movements did not make for an ideal situation for people dying or their families.

Jenkins said in his homeland of England, hospice care is very routine and readily available, so he noticed the lack in Canada.

“You don’t use hospitals as warehouses for people who are near death. This is a dignified, classy way, allowing people to have peace and quiet and are served by nurses who are specially trained in this,” he said.

With the final 2×6 board fundraiser now complete, the Foundation is past its fundraising goal, said Marina Mitchell, a member of the Foundation board.

“We are at our goal. We have committed dollars of just over $4.3 million,” Mitchell said.

Mitchell said the framers will start working on the building next week.

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