Saskatchewan Introduces Enhanced Measures To Control Feral Pigs
The Government of Saskatchewan is taking steps to proactively enhance and broaden the regulation, monitoring and control of wild boar and feral pigs in the province.
The Ministry of Agriculture is developing regulations for licensing existing commercial wild boar farms and imposing a moratorium on any new farms. Regulations for wild boar/feral pigs will also be developed under The Pest Control Act, which would specify the various monitoring and control efforts as well as public obligations to report.
Additionally, annual funding for the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) Feral Wild Boar Control Program for surveillance and eradication efforts in the province is being doubled to $200,000.
“Increasing feral pig surveillance and eradication efforts, along with declaring them a regulated pest, are proactive measures to help ensure the health of both the agriculture industry and the natural environment in Saskatchewan,” Agriculture Minister David Marit said. “These are substantial steps that improve risk management and protect the resilience and security of our agriculture industry, which is a critical component of our provincial economy.”