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(Submitted photo/One Sky Forest Products)

Company behind new OSB mill holds public engagement session

Mar 16, 2022 | 1:52 PM

Dozens of people had a chance to ask questions and hear more about a major project coming soon to Prince Albert.

One Sky Forest Products, the company behind a new OSB mill for the area, held a public engagement session at the Senator Allen Bird Memorial Centre Tuesday night.

While he didn’t have the final attendance numbers, CEO of One Sky, Scott Bax, said the session was well attended.

“It was well attended, very positive overall. I would say most of the questions were really focused on what was the location or the proposed location and what was the expected timing for shovels in the ground and start-up.”

Bax added other questions that came up at the session were job opportunities and the timeline for the project.

The project was announced last fall along with timber allocations from the provincial government. One Sky is hopeful construction will start by this fall with the mill opening in 2023.

Before that happens though, the company needs to complete its environmental assessment.

“Things like air quality, vegetation, wetlands, wildlife, socioeconomic environment. Once we complete the remainder of the environmental assessment, we will complete our draft and environmental impact statement. We submit that to the province and they do a technical review and then provide us with feedback.”

He added after the feedback is received, the impact statement and technical review will be available to the public to review and comment on.

Overall, Bax said he is looking forward to getting the OSB mill up and running and working with the twelve different First Nations they have partnered with.

“We’re really proud of where we are and where we’re going with the project. I’m really looking forward to working closely with our partners and with the government to move this project along and in a really time-sensitive manner.”

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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