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Local gyms, like The S2DIO, may see more people coming through their doors with the vaccine requirement removed. (S2DIO/Facebook)
Gyms Open To Unvaccinated

Local gym owner relieved as vaccination requirements end

Feb 14, 2022 | 3:00 PM

Your local gym may become more crowded as the provincial vaccination requirement come to an end. For one local gym, that comes as a relief on several fronts.

As of today, Saskatchewan no longer requires proof of vaccination to attend a sporting event, go to the gym, or dine in at a restaurant. Some potential gym-goers are already looking forward to their return.

“I saw a few people come out of the shadows last week, give me a call and say, ‘I’m so excited to be back’,” said Desiree Hesson, owner of The S2DIO in Prince Albert. “So that’s awesome.”

Hesson saw an increase in numbers last week not long after the announcement, but thinks that had more to do with people coming back from having the virus than anything else. As the weeks roll on, she expects to see more people drawing back in, and so far she hasn’t heard of anyone reluctant to return because of the end of vaccination requirements.

“Nobody has said anything, anyways,” Hesson said. “I think we’re far enough into this pandemic that we’re all just craving to get a little bit of normalcy. As this Omicron has proven, whether you’re (vaccinated) or (unvaccinated) at this point, everyone got it. Nobody has voiced any concerns to me as of now.”

As for Hesson herself, she was happy to see the restrictions lifted from a business perspective, as it meant more people able to come work out. There was a personal element to her excitement as well.

“I was pretty excited,” said Hesson. “I pride myself as running my business as an all-inclusive, come-as-you-are, wherever you’re going, wherever you’re coming from. We don’t really care, you’re welcome here at The S2DIO. So it hit me down a little bit when all of a sudden I had to essentially turn people away there for a while.”

The last two years have been stressful for those who operate gyms as they dealt with a shutdown early on in the pandemic and then had to juggle various and changing restrictions afterward. Now, Hesson hopes things may finally be turning a corner.

“I spent enough of my time being angry and bitter and stressed about stuff,” Hesson said. “A few months ago, I just decided that whatever is going to come down the pipe is going to come down the pipe. Rolling with the punches one day at a time, that’s kind of what we’ve been doing, and it looks like we’ve got an awesome, bright light at the end of this tunnel.”

Hesson added the mandatory mask rules that will expire at the end of the month don’t affect her that much, as people don’t have to wear masks while they’re at their station or their bike.


On Twitter: @RobMahonPxP

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