Boushie family still looking for justice
The family of Colten Boushie continues to call for an end to systemic discrimination against Indigenous people in the justice system.
Boushie, 22, died from a gunshot wound to the head after he and four others drove onto Gerald Stanley’s farm near Biggar in August of 2016. A jury found Stanley, 56, not guilty of second-degree murder in February of 2018.
The Office of the Treaty Commissioner held an online panel discussion Feb. 9, 2022 with the Colten Boushie family, Boushie family lawyer Eleanore Sunchild, filmmaker Tasha Hubbard, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) Chief Bobby Cameron, and the Treaty Land Sharing Network, on the documentary We Will Stand Up.
Sunchild said the discussion aimed to commemorate the life of Colten Boushie.