Feedback needed for made in Alberta engagement
LETHBRIDGE, AB. — It’s an area where Alberta has not kept pace with other provinces and Alberta agriculture is taking steps to rectify the situation.
Most provinces, except Alberta, have voluntary food labelling programs that help consumers easily identify locally produced, processed, and manufactured products.
Agriculture and Forestry Minister Devin Dreeshen introduced the new Made in Alberta, by Albertans labelling initiative last summer at the Millarville Farmers’ Market and noted it was a work in progress. As the province works to develop a recognized, voluntary label with consistent standards applied to all Alberta-made products, it needs input from Albertans and stakeholder.
Feedback, by way of surveys, will help with the development of a “Made in Alberta, by Albertans” label that will help shoppers easily identify products made in the province, and support local businesses in Alberta’s economic recovery.