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(Submitted photo/Mark Peterson Media)
Feathery Raider

P.A. Raiders unveil new mascot

Dec 21, 2021 | 2:08 PM

Fans may notice a giant parrot when watching a Prince Albert Raiders game at the Art Hauser Centre.

The team officially unveiled their new mascot, PIMS, last week during their final home game before the Christmas break.

Michael Scissons, the Raiders’ business manager, told paNOW PIMS was supposed to be in the stands for the team’s 50th season last year, however, he needed a little extra time to get used to the colder climate.

He noted a parrot may not be a good fit for the community, but it surely is for the team.

“What better than a pirate’s best friend,” he said.

The Raiders have gone through different mascots over the years, receiving backlash and being heavily criticized.

“Riley the Raider” and “Boston Raider” were each considered to be insensitive and offensive with the team designing them to be throwbacks to the team’s golden years.

Scissons believes PIMS will be a great replacement.

“He’s round, he’s chubby, he’s jolly, and he’s fun.”

Meanwhile, fans shouldn’t expect PIMS to be like the NHL’s most famous mascot.

Ever since the Philadelphia Flyers introduced “Gritty” in 2018, he’s taken the league by storm with his outgoing behaviour and antics.

Scissons said comparing the two isn’t fair at the moment, though you never know down the road.

“He could be (similar), but he looks far too happy to be that obnoxious.”

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