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The coronavirus. (Twitter/Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota)

Province reports 47 new cases of COVID-19, three deaths

Dec 7, 2021 | 2:14 PM

As of Dec. 7, there are 47 new confirmed cases of COVID-19; 32 of which are among unvaccinated individuals.

Sixteen new cases are located in northern Saskatchewan; Far North West (two), Far North East (four), North West (three) and North Central (seven).

Three new deaths were also reported today. This brings the provincial total to 934 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died.

There are currently 613 cases considered active, a drop of 21 cases from yesterday’s total. There are currently 149 COVID-19 cases active in northern Saskatchewan zones.

The 613 active cases of COVID-19 is a 21 case drop from yesterday’s total. (Government of Saskatchewan)

Nearly one-quarter (25.5 per cent) of new cases are in the age category of 40 to 59.

More than one-third (35.9 per cent) of new cases eligible for vaccination (aged 5 years and older) were fully vaccinated.

As of Dec. 7, a total of 131 individuals are hospitalized, including 100 inpatient hospitalizations and 31 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 131 patients, 85 (64.9 per cent) were not fully vaccinated.

In addition to Saskatchewan ICU counts, there are two residents receiving out of province care in hospital. No residents are currently in out-of-province ICU. As these patients are receiving care out of province, this number is not included in the hospitalization counts in the dashboard.

Since the pandemic has began, 81,462 cases have been confirmed; 19,877 cases are from the North area (8,835 North West, 8,205 North Central, 2,837 North East) and 9,369 cases are from the Far North area (4,402 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,426 Far North East). There have been 79,915 cases that are considered recovered.

COVID-19 Summary for December 7, 2021:

From Dec. 1–7, 25,230 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 1,764,434. An additional 118,853 third and fourth doses have been administered in the province.

As of Dec. 7, 87 per cent of residents 12 years and older and 82 per cent of residents five years older have received their first dose. Eighty-two per cent of residents 12 years and older and 74 per cent of residents five years and older are fully vaccinated.

There were 469 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan from Dec. 1–7, bringing the provincial total to 81,462 cases. There were 564 recoveries recorded during the same period.

Eight new deaths were reported Dec. 1–7.

NITHA numbers

As of Dec. 6, the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) reported one new case in NITHA communities. Of the new cases, one (100 per cent) was unvaccinated.

There are 13 active cases of COVID-19 in NITHA communities.

There are 13 active cases in NITHA communities as of Dec. 6, including one new case that was identified that day. (Facebook/NITHA Saskatchewan)

These cases are located in the Far North Central (Athabasca), 0; Far North West, six; Far North East, six; North Central, one; and North East, 0. There are 6,854 cases (99 per cent) have recovered, and one person is being hospitalized.

Athabasca Health Authority

Athabasca Health Authority (AHA) continues to report no new or active COVID-19 cases. However, Taiwo Olubanwo, AHA executive director of Primary Health Care continues to encourage people to get their vaccinations.

To view the daily highlights, current charts, and statistics from the Saskatchewan government in their entirety, click here.

On Twitter: @princealbertNOW

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