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(Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)
Local investment

Construction contract awarded for RM’s new municipal office and workshop

Dec 3, 2021 | 5:00 PM

Construction of a $3.5 million municipal office and workshop project has taken another step forward with the awarding of the contract.

The Rural Municipality (RM) of Prince Albert has awarded the contract to RNF Ventures, a company that has a long history in the area. Reeve Eric Schmalz explained in a statement he is very proud to award the contract to a locally owned company.

“It speaks to our community when we rely on the expertise and trades of our local community in a project that speaks to our future growth and development,” he said.

RNF Ventures was selected as the successful contractor by the RM, following a bidding process that started earlier this year. RNF general manager and project lead Allan Webb explained the project represents another investment into the growing community.

“We have long supported a build local philosophy and we are excited to be selected for this project,” he said.

Under the Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP), the provincial government is contributing over $500,000 towards the project. All MEEP 2020 funding must be used by March 31, 2022. The remainder of the money will come from the RM of Prince Albert.

Located along Highway 2 south, the project will help fill the RM’s need for more municipal office space, while also replacing the existing facily which is nearing the end of its lifespan. Construction is expected to be completed by the fall of 2022

During a special meeting on Thursday, the RM’s council finalized decisions for the power supply and septic system, opting to go with a full containment system.

The municipal office and shop facility represents the first building to be constructed inside Signature Developments new commercial/residential project in the RM of Prince Albert.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell