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(Autumn LaRose-Smith for PMYC President/Facebook)
Metis Youth Council Election

MN-S election candidate hopes to amplify voices of Metis youth

Oct 27, 2021 | 8:00 AM

The presidential election for the Metis Youth Council of Saskatchewan is just days away and one of the three candidates wants to ACT on her promises.

Autumn LaRose-Smith is a proud queer, Metis, woman living in Saskatoon, nearing the end of her degree in SUNTEP (Saskatchewan Urban Native Teachers Education Program). She is also an active volunteer and is currently a board member for OutSaskatoon and Ness Creek Cultural and Recreational Society. She also works as the Programs and Outreach Administrator for We Matter, a national Indigenous youth-led non-profit.

When it comes to her platform, LaRose-Smith said it can be summed up in three words.

“Which are amplify, connect, and transform. ACT Now is my slogan. Amplify Metis youth voices, connect Metis youth to each other to valuable services and to the Metis culture and to transform the Provincial Metis Youth Council, creating a safe and welcoming environment.”

(Autumn LaRose-Smith for PMYC President/Facebook)

LaRose-Smith is no stranger to positions of authority, having served as president of the University of Saskatchewan Students Union, the first Indigenous woman in 111 years to do so.

On top of the ACT principle, LaRose-Smith said she wants to host regular forums and roundtable discussions for Metis youth and to ensure their voices are heard throughout the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan.

“We often hear that youth are the leaders of tomorrow, really what my campaign is driving forward is that we’re also the leaders of today and that I really want to do whatever I can to empower Metis youth,” she said.

LaRose-Smith is one of three candidates for the president’s seat, joining Prince Albert’s Cody Demerais and Jade Rooney from the Village of Lang.

The presidential election is online and runs from Nov. 5-6.

Twitter: @PA_Craddock

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