Election agency says powerless after Quebec City municipal party calls Islam ‘cancer’
QUEBEC — A fringe Quebec City municipal party’s platform describes Islam as a “cancer,” and the province’s elections commission says it doesn’t have the power to do anything about it.
Quebec will hold provincewide municipal elections on Nov. 7, and Élections Québec confirmed on Monday it received a hate speech complaint regarding the political platform of the Alliance Citoyenne Québec party.
Agency spokesperson Julie St-Arnaud, however, said Monday the independent office isn’t able to intervene. There isn’t a law in Quebec that addresses the content of political platforms and the agency doesn’t have the power to ban a party or candidate over accusations of hate speech, she said.
“We do not look at the ideas of the parties; we act impartially,” St-Arnaud said in an interview. “There is nothing in our laws that says if a person makes statements of such nature, his candidacy is withdrawn. It is up to the voters to make their choices when the time comes on the ballot.”