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(File photo/CJME News)

‘Most pointless election in Canada’s history,’ Moe says

Sep 21, 2021 | 12:10 PM

Premier Scott Moe offered a blunt assessment Tuesday of the federal election.

“That was the most pointless election in Canada’s history,” Moe said in a statement. “The Prime Minister spent $600 million of taxpayers’ dollars and five weeks further dividing the country to arrive at almost the same result as where we started.”


When Parliament was dissolved, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals had a minority government with 155 of 338 seats. After Monday’s balloting, the Liberals again have a minority, this time with 158 seats.

The Conservatives were elected or leading in 119 ridings after votes were counted Monday, two fewer seats than they had before the election. The Bloc Quebecois was up two seats to 34, the NDP was up one to 25 and the Green Party had two seats.

The Conservatives held on to all 14 ridings in Saskatchewan.

“This time and money could have been spent working to address real issues facing Canadians, including properly funding Canada’s chronically underfunded health system, working with provinces to increase vaccination rates in some of our hardest-to-reach communities, and positioning Canada and its provinces as leaders in the global economic recovery,” Moe said. “That’s what should happen now.”

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