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Alberta Beef Producers semi-AGM and Town Hall set for September 30

Sep 20, 2021 | 5:10 PM

LETHBRIDGE, AB. — The Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) Semi-Annual General Meeting and Producer Town Hall will both be held virtually on Thursday, September 30.

ABP Lead, Stakeholder for Communications, Katelyn Laverdure, says the general session for delegates to participate will run from 1:00 to 3:00-pm (with guests welcome to listen) and then following that, from 3:00 to 5:00-pm, they will host a producer Town Hall, wtih all producers welcome to attend and participate.

“We will have zone break-out meetings so resolutions can be brought forward during that time. The Town Hall will mostly be discussing the new ag-recovery drought assistance program and the Canada-Alberta livestock feed assistance initiative.”

Laverdure reminds producers it’s also time to file delegate nominations.

“Delegate nominations will also be closing at midnight on September 30, so we are strongly encouraging producers to get their nomination forms in. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you would like to run, please come participate in our semi-annual meeting and producer Town Hall – you’ll get a better sense and you will still have time to get your form in that evening.”

The Annual Report is now available well, so Laverdure says producers will have time to give that a look through before the semi-annual meeting and Town Hall.

“It’s filled with reports on what check-off programs have taken place this year and at the provincial level and there’s also national reporting included, as well as a detailed financial section.”

You can find all of this information on Registration for the meetings will be in the ‘events’ section and the annual report and links for the delegate nomination form will be under checking-in with ABP, listed under “Categories”.