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3 Month Lag

Sep 20, 2021 | 6:18 PM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited

It’s been 3 months since I wrote my ‘weekly’ GoodNewsLetter. Most every Wednesday it would be published, I enjoyed it – but then in June, my Mom passed away. I did one more e-newsletter after that and then I was done.

I thought about it every week, I thought about you every week. I wanted to want to do it, much like I want to want to eat healthy all the time or go running or like action movies. I want to want to – but I don’t want to.

And so I didn’t. Emotions ranging from pleasure to guilt swirled around as the weeks passed.

Did I just need a break? Did I have trouble deciding what to write about? Did I run out of things to say? Did it really matter if I stopped? I wanted to want to know, but I didn’t know and I didn’t really care.

I was busy mourning my mom, I was busy welcoming our newest little, Adeline, to the family and enjoying my Noah and all the people that I had been away from for so long.

Work could wait. And so it did, until today when an email from Nicole came. She’d been in my audience many years ago and still received my e-news and she was just checking in to see if I was ok.

She was checking in on me to see if I was ok because she hadn’t received an e-newsletter from me in 3 months. Wow.

And so Nicole, thanks to you, I’m back. I’m ok, I’m fine, I’m well and I’m back. Sometimes we need a kick, a tap, a prod, a push, a little encouragement.

And the TOTD is 555. 555 days since the pandemic was announced and the world turned upside-down. Maybe where you live things are back to ‘normal’; maybe where you live it’s still a gong-show. People seem to have even more reasons to be divided and adding to politics and religion it seems the topic of masks and vaccines are taboo as well. I don’t like to think that people or ignorant or mean, I like to believe in the greater good, in love, in common sense.

Do we really need one more thing to come between us? It’s hard to find someone who isn’t exhausted, spent, burnt-out, or just ‘done’ with everything COVID-related.  But then you hear about a health-care worker, an educator, the essential service worker, a COVID patient or family member; it’s not hard to find someone in worse shape.

So here we are day 555 as I write this, and I have just one request to you, one suggestion, one challenge.

Today, can you please be nice. Be nice to your honey, be nice to your kids, be nice to the service people, be nice to strangers at the store, and for the love of God and the wee donkey, please be as nice to yourself as you are to other people.

That’s it. Over and out, Steph ‍🩹



The post 3 Month Lag first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited