Prince Albert OSB mill expected to create over 700 jobs for Northern Sask.
A major announcement made by the provincial government Wednesday morning will, in the words of Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne, ‘help kickstart the forestry industry in the province.’
One Sky Forest Products Ltd., a privately held Saskatchewan corporation, will construct and operate an Oriented Strand Board (OSB) plant following news of timber allocation from the province.
The $250 million facility will have a capacity of 600 million square feet (3/8-inch basis) of OSB annually, requiring approximately 845,000 m3 of timber. While the exact location of the mill has yet to be determined, the announcement itself is expected to create over 700 jobs for northern Saskatchewan.
“I call them careers. They’re not low entry jobs, these will be well paying jobs in the forestry industry, that when someone gets it, that’ll be their career. They’ll be able to buy a house and cars. And so that’s what is exciting for our city. It will really help our city economically,” Dionne said.