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(Facebook/Joseph McCrea PPC)
PPC Candidate

Joseph McCrea named PPC federal candidate for PA

Aug 30, 2021 | 11:00 AM

The Peoples Party of Canada recently named their leading candidate for the Prince Albert riding, Melfort resident Joseph McCrea.

“I have always been interested in politics,” McCrea told paNOW. “I watch closely on where this nation is going and I’m pretty worried about how this government is running the nation. We have a deficit that is going up like crazy and will to continue to get worse if we don’t cut costs and try to reduce the deficit.

“I’ve always been interested in the economy and where we are going as a nation. That is why I am running and am trying to fight for freedom.”

This summer he has been talking to many different communities in Northern Saskatchewan. One of the main concerns he has heard has been about restrictions to freedoms.

“People are telling me that they are very concerned about vaccine passports,” McCrea said. “It is an infringement on peoples freedoms, rights, and it’s a human rights issue. People like their medical information to be private, they don’t want to disclose that private information everywhere they go.”

His campaign will largely revolve around three main points, freedoms, defunding media, and uniting the country.

“We’re against lockdowns and vaccine passports, we give people a right to choose,” McCrea explained. “We want to defund the media that is not telling the truth regarding COVID and other issues that the Liberal government has provided millions of dollars to. We want to defund that and get alternative media that will provide the truth.

“Our first nations people need to be looked after. We have a division in this country, and we want to unite people, from all races and backgrounds. We are trying to unite the country, and not divide.”

He feels the PPC is the right party to win the election due to their respect for peoples freedoms and rights.

“We are a party of sovereignty and prosperity,” McCrea said. “We are a party that stands for the people. We give them a choice, and we are going to get this country out of the deficit and have a balanced budget going forward.

“I’m here to talk to the people and listen to what issues they have in this election,” McCrea said. “I’m here to work for the people and address the issues that Canadian’s are facing in this area.”

McCrea will run in the federal election, which takes place on September 20.

He will be posting his campaign plans on his social media.

On Twitter: @dawsonthompson8

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