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Nine businesses on the south side of 15th Street East are concerned about the impact a meridian in the road will have. (Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)
Road Construction Problems

Concerns raised by business owners regarding road construction on 15th Street East

Aug 17, 2021 | 5:00 PM

Construction meant to improve traffic flow along 15th Street East in Prince Albert could cause lingering headaches for some local businesses.

Many shop owners on the south side of the street are worried about access to their stores once the construction is complete. The road will be widened and will include passing lanes on both sides but a median, with no openings for turns, is being installed in the middle of the road.

Brandy and Chad Mogg are worried about the impact it will have on their business, Dr. Java’s Coffee House.

“We are one of nine businesses impacted,” Brandy said. “The goal is to have better traffic flow, which we also believed would increase the access for our customers to get in and out safely.”

The business owners had no concerns about the construction until last week when cement was poured for the divider and they saw there was no access.

“Coming to work Thursday morning and seeing one, single-file barricade of cement being poured with no openings coming from Fifth Ave to Fourth Ave, we immediately called into question with the city about what is going on and why there is no access points to any of us,” Brandy said.

The median will block direct access to businesses on the south side of 15th Street East. (Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)

Many councilors shared the same concerns. A few even asked for the construction to be stopped.

“I think it’s important that we find a way to improve access to the business,” Coun. Ted Zurakowski said at the meeting. “What we are looking for is improved access.

“If they are still out there pouring concrete then there is more of an immediate need to stop, I think we need to do a full-stop.”

Wes Hicks, the director of Public Works said immediately stopping the project wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest.

“Any options that we bring forward, including its removal, (I hope) at this time we will be able to continue with the paving,” Hicks replied. “The residents and businesses have had to put up with the construction for quite a long time now. We are mid-August, so any kind of delays, if it is several weeks, we could lose our season and not be able to complete it.”

Traffic in the west bound lane would not have direct access to nine different businesses on the south side of the street. (Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)

The lone member at the meeting who was against any change being made to the median was Mayor Greg Dionne who said safety of travellers should be the primary concern.

“I haven’t been convinced to change my mind,” Dionne said. “I really believe in safety and the regulations. Unfortunately, no matter what we do someone is going to be impacted positively and negatively, it doesn’t matter what we do, we are in a no-win situation.

“At the end of the day, I travel that street all the time and I know that 29,000 vehicles travel on that road a day and I couldn’t sleep at night if someone was turning to get a cup of coffee, and smack — got a women and a couple kids. I’m not going to budge because I look at the long-term implications. I believe the 29,000 vehicles that pass there a day are going to appreciate what we have done once its open.”

After a vote of 8-1 with the mayor being the only opposition, council approved a motion for administration to put together a report featuring options that will ensure improved access is provided for the effected businesses on the south side of 15th Street East from both the east bound and west bound traffic.

On Twitter: @dawsonthompson8

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