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Nicole Mitchell poses with her Rebecca Georget Memorial Award with coaches Tori Glynn and Matt Lueck outside the Alfred Jenkins Fieldhouse, Tuesday night. (Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)
Toppers leadership award

Toppers Volleyball Club presents leadership award to graduating player

Jun 9, 2021 | 12:00 PM

The Prince Albert Toppers Volleyball Club had a reason to celebrate last night as they recognized one of their graduating players at the Alfred Jenkins Fieldhouse.

The Rebecca Georget Memorial Award is presented to a graduating Toppers athlete who exemplifies sportsmanship, coachability, a good work ethic and a positive attitude.

The recipient also shows great respect to players, coaches, and referees. They work hard at all practices, and maintains a positive attitude in difficult situations.

This year’s recipient was Nicole Mitchell.

Nicole Mitchell poses with the Rebecca Georget Memorial Award with coaches Tori Glynn and Matt Lueck outside the Alfred Jenkins Fieldhouse, Tuesday night. (Dawson Thompson/paNOW Staff)

Nicole displays natural leadership skills and brings a calming presence to any team she plays on, a press release from the Toppers volleyball club said. She always puts in her best effort and has a great sense of humor. She has found a balance between focus and keeping things light and fun.

Nicole is moving on to play volleyball at Briercrest Christian Academy in the fall.

Nicole’s coaches were not only very impressed with her work ethic this year, but also her growth over the year.

“We’ve coached Nicole for a couple years now and the one thing we have talked about regularly is just watching her grow and develop as a player and a person,” Tori Glynn, one of her coaches said. “It’s really special to see and watch her find her own leadership style on the court with a good mix of being focused and keeping things light and fun and enjoying the game.”

“The big thing about when looking at Nicole, she is kind of the glue for our group,” Matt Lueck, her other coach said. “We had two separate age groups with her being in the older group, so she was a really good role model for the younger players. We saw growth [from younger players] and a lot of it was from the example that she set.”

Nicole was very surprised she had won the award and had no idea it was coming.

“I’m so grateful, I never expected to get anything. I was just being myself,” Mitchell said.

“I’m so grateful for the coaches, as well and the people I’ve grown up with over the past couple of years. It’s so great to see how we have grown together as a team as well. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know everyone and making lots of great friendships, too.”

The Rebecca Georget Memorial Award is a new award for the Toppers Volleyball Club with this being the second time it has been awarded.

On twitter: @dawsonthompson8

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