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Muddy Roads

Rain makes driving tricky on grid roads

May 28, 2021 | 2:12 PM

The recent rain has caused some tricky driving sections of Township Road in the RM of Buckland.

Reeve Don Fyrk said grader work was being done a few weeks ago on a section of Township Road and then the rain came.

“Every RM [road] was [like a] washboard because of no rain and now we got the rain, and any place there has been a soft spot is going to be like soup right now.”

Fyrk said the grader was pulling the shoulders. Over the years, the gravel gets down on the sides of the roads.

Local residents had a struggle after the rain came, making driving the stretch of grid road difficult for anyone with a smaller vehicle.

A resident of the area voiced concern about other patches of road causing damage to his vehicle requiring hundreds of dollars in repair. Trevor Campbell drives the Township Road daily.

“I’ve had traffic hit the hole and bounce into my lane,” said Campbell.

The Township Road leads into Wahpeton Dakota Nation. The Chief of Wahpeton Dakota Nation, John Waditaka said the road maintenance is ongoing.

“Keeping roads maintained is a work in progress”, said Waditaka

A meeting was scheduled prior to the rain between the RM and Wahpeton Dakota Nation for Friday. Discussion surrounding the community’s grid roads is on the agenda.

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